To know whether wood flooring is suitable for you or not, it is vital to look at its pros and cons, and then make an informed decision. 


Great Appearance: 
The beauty of wooden flooring lies in its simplicity and it makes your entire room look beautiful, to say the least. It adds a lot of warmth to a space.

Wooden flooring is extremely durable and with the right kind of care, it can last a lifetime.

Perceived Value: 
Apart from adding a rich look to your home, wooden flooring will also increase the value of your home if you ever plan to rent or sell the premises.

Your options to decorate a space with wooden flooring increase as almost all home décor accents complement wood flooring beautifully.

Easy Installation & Repair: 
Being modular, wooden floors are most installation & repair friendly. It’s quick, easy and clean.


Wear & Tear: 
Wooden flooring is susceptible to scratches from high-heeled shoes, children’s toys, pets etc.

Moisture Unfriendly: 
Wood is not water friendly. Prolonged can make wood swell. Traditional Indian style of mopping by pouring mugs of water is to be avoided and use of wet cloth is recommended. 

Ideally, wooden flooring must be polished once a year and vacuumed every 4-5 days. Regular maintenance is required to prevent termite attack for solid wood option. Laminated wood is secure from termites & bugs.

Hardwood flooring is costlier than other flooring materials. While laminate wood flooring is a better option costing much lesser than hard wood flooring price, it could still be more than average tile floor.

But then, is there really any comparison to that natural look, the soft warm feel and the joy of having a wooden floor in your personal space? 
No, right?
But we really felt you should know all the facts.