Tiles are the most common type of flooring used in the Indian subcontinent and with good reason. A good tile flooring can elevate your living space both aesthetically and practically. Tiles come in the most diverse design styles (more than you can imagine) and can be used in different ways, in different areas of your home. It is also fairly easy to install, repair and transport which makes it more cost effective than most other flooring options. 

Why should you choose tiles? 
Tiles are one of the most popular flooring solutions used these days. And for very good reasons.

Reason 1 – They give your home your desired look, style and sophistication. Think of a look and you have a tile to help you achieve it. 

Reason 2 – They come in a wide variety of colours, textures and designs that easily blend in with the existing décor of your house.

Reason 3 – They come in diverse budget ranges and offer economy to luxury variants to suit requirements of different people.

Reason 4 – It is strong and durable.

Reason 5 – It is easy to maintain, clean and repair. 

Your home. Your world. Your art canvas. 

We often see people take whimsical selections, uninformed purchases and cutting corners when it comes to flooring. Maybe someone gave their suggestion or maybe it’s the new trend, but while buying tiles we urge you to consider all the factors and treat this decision as a creative opportunity and a smart investment. 

Remember, you can change your furnishings and your furniture as and when you like. But you cannot do the same with your flooring. 

While popular trends, recommendations and suggestions (like ours) are plenty, they are NOT rules to follow. Your creativity alone limits how you play with the choice of size, colour, design & texture of the tiles. Your style, your expression and your satisfaction is all that matters. 

Just one important rule.

Have fun while you are selecting your tiles!